The Locals
Something about the local people how they are kind and friendly in a different way than in Finland or they are just more friendly overall. One day my neighbour stopped to ask me if i was fine and actually my T-shirt had fallen from my balcony to someones yard and i needed to find who they were so this nice lady first knocked on one door and asked and then went to another one and in between asked about me. Finally the person whos yard it had fell on came to the backyard and just climbed to the shirt and gave it to me. Also here in the apartment, one resident has a baby who had her birthday a couple days ago and when i came home that day they welcomed me to a table and gave me spaghetti and bolognese and some nice birthday cake, like thats a crazy mind opening thing for me. The sense of community is very strong. Coming to terms with the big differences here and just taking it in as an experience overall .
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